Originally what we wanted to do was to send the Uni-Lazys to celebrities in hopes that they would appreciate and embrace the Uni-Lazy, and as a result give Forever Lazy some solid press. Well, we didn't need to do that because Hollywood came to us first! Late last week, Forever Lazy was contacted by Distinctive Assets, an LA based company that not only produces the Gift Bags and Talent Lounges for many major award shows but also provides product placement, product introduction and branding opportunities within the entertainment industry and beyond. This is great for us because now we have a controlled and structured medium to make sure that the celebrities are receiving the Uni-Lazys firsthand, without the chance of them being lost or looted along the way. Distinctive Assets is known for getting the newest and coolest products into celebrities' hands with every gift bag they give out!
So far, we have signed contracts to provide Uni-Lazys for gift bags at Andre Agassi's GRAND SLAM for CHILDREN being held in Vegas this coming weekend; Christmas in Hollywood, which will be a holiday gift bag sent to top celebrities such as Oprah, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Alba; and we will be handing Uni-Lazys to celebrities in person in the gift lounge at CBS's "A Home for the Holidays" being filmed in Hollywood in mid November.
This is really exciting news for us because of all the press that surrounds these events and the fact that trends start at the coasts and work their way inwards.
Stay Lazy Hollywood!